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Youssef Abdel Karim Taha Al-Rudaini
Saddam Khalifa Obaid
Ahmed Ali Abdullah


This research aims to know the history of the Ottoman-Austrian conflict over Hungary during the period between (1566-1592 AD), as this conflict was part of the conflict that extended from the Ottoman Empire and the Roman Empire throughout the sixteenth century AD, and the research period begins since the death of the Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent in 1566 AD until 1592 AD. The research included an introduction, a historical introduction, three sections and a conclusion. The introduction came with a historical presentation of what is within the research. 1. Sultan Selim II, who assumed power after the death of his father, Suleiman the Magnificent, did not possess his father’s competence and political and military capabilities, and because of the difficult internal and external conditions that he faced, made him unqualified from the beginning to continue his father’s expansionist policy in the Balkans. a. Through the study, it became clear to us that the great European alliance led by Pope Pius V is nothing but an attempt to gather and mobilize a large European, and make the conflict religious with distinction, but this mobilization did not affect militarily or politically on the Ottoman Empire. p. Through our assessment of what happened in Hungary, an important fact became clear to us that the presence of the Ottoman military did not represent an occupation as much as it represented the preservation of civil peace and the protection of the population from the repeated Austrian attacks.


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Taha Al-Rudaini, Y. A. K., Obaid, S. K., & Abdullah, A. A. (2022). The Ottoman-Austrian conflict over Hungary 1566-1592 AD Prof. Journal of Tikrit University for Humanities, 29(8, 2), 258–278.


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