Treaty of Paris I, May 30, 1814 and its Impact on the Internal Situation in France
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The Treaty of Paris I, signed on May 30, 1814, is one of the most important treaties signed between France and the Allied Powers (Britain, Russia, Prussia and Austria). The treaty also re-charted the French and European maps. France, especially in its eastern and northern borders, was a natural barrier to other European countries. However, the treaty was light on France financially and militarily. The allies did not impose tough or impossible conditions on France.The study reached a set of results, as follows:
1-The Treaty of 23 April 1814 had a great impact on the signing of the Treaty of Paris I on May 30, 1814, and several of its conditions are the preamble to the First Paris Treaty.
2- The Bourbon, led by King Louis XVIII, was loyal to the Allies, led by Britain, to bring him back to France.
3-Britain worked according to the principle of international balance in the annexation of France to a group of independent countries to be a natural barrier on the one hand and keep France strong from the inside on the other.
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