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Abdul Razzaq Abdullah Saeed


Cyber bullying is defined as a form of aggressive verbal behavior expressed via applications of social media (mobile phones, computers, video cameras, e-mail, and web pages). Thus, it causes moral and material damage to others.  The importance of the research stems from the fact that such dangerous behavioral phenomenon may threaten the entity of society as a whole.  The researcher used the descriptive and analytical method to get the most important results:

1- Investigating the whole environment of virtual cites.

2-The victim’s personal security and privacy are jeopardized by the unauthorized sharing of personal information, such as address, phone numbers and intimate family details.

3- The levels of cyber bullying increase among behaviorally and emotionally disturbed persons, in addition to the fact that all forms of cyber-bullying have been associated with a low level of efficiency in the family.

4- Not all cyber bullying comes from people who know the recipient; it is often sent anonymously.


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How to Cite
Abdullah Saeed, A. R. (2022). Cyber Bullying: Causes and Effects. Journal of Tikrit University for Humanities, 29(10, 1), 272–295.


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