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Ahmed Mahmood Alaw Al-Samarraie


The issue of Kashmir is one of the highlights political problems faced by the international community after the departure of British colonial rule on the Indian subcontinent August 15, 1947 A.D, and the beginnings of the issue due Kashmir state to the national movement in which growth.
The US policy is changed towards South Asia, as it has worked to follow to fill the policy space and was thus Britain, France Place to control some of the British colonies and some European countries, and including the issue of Kashmir is one of the political problems faced by the international community after the events of World War II 1939-1945, so it became one of the areas of political conflict in the world and the bitter conflict between India and Pakistan, has led to the continuation of the conflict strained India-Pakistan relations to the point of rupture, so it was necessary to highlight the role of the United States in this case.
Indian-Pakistani relations have continued the distress because of the state of Kashmir due to the sovereign right of each claim Kashmir, as well as the political conflict between them because of their religious differences ((Hindus- Muslims)).
The United States has taken away pushing the same policy in a conflict that does not serve its interests in anything initially because the Indian-Pakistani conflict provides them with a guarantee that the two countries cannot remain for the advancement of themselves and stay on the big prerogatives of the two countries after independence, so the United States played a great role in the continuation of the political conflict between India and Pakistan over the issue of Kashmir through Pakistan supporting the government on the one hand the Indian government continually political conflict and urged on the other hand, as well as the desire of the United States of America during this conflict, particularly the Communist tide in the region stand.


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How to Cite
Al-Samarraie, A. M. A. (2022). The Position of the United States of America on the Problem of the State of Kashmir between India and Pakistan 1947-1965 A.D. Journal of Tikrit University for Humanities, 29(3, 2), 250–275.


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