The Holy Quran (masahif al'amsar) Study in: Number, Characteristic and Differentiation
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This research is related to the Ottoman's Qur'an in terms of number, characteristic and differentiation. This great work was done by the Caliph Othman bin Affan (may Allah be pleased with him), where he copied the Holy Quran in the Mus-hafs and spread them on the grounds to prevent a disagreement between people because of reading the Quran differently from city to another. Based on these Qur'anic specificities and their distinctive features, this research is divided into a preface, three chapters and a conclusion: The preface tackles the definition of the Mus-hafs. Section One deals with the cause of the Mus-hafs ofal'amsar, and their numbers and the most correct sayings.Section Two includes the specificity of the Quranic verses and its description and the methodology used in its writing. Section Three deals with the characteristics of the Mus-hafs ofal'amsar.The conclusion highlights the most important findings alongside the most important recommendations.
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