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Avin Hidayat Ahmed
Soran Fadhil Ali


This paper aims to study some selected caricatures from selected editorial sources undertaking COVID-19 vaccine to signify how they are assembled to expose the messages and donate the social and political practices in the context. The World Health Organisation (WHO) has stated Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) as a pandemic. A worldwide, systematic initiative is required in order to avoid even more dissemination of the virus which has been occurring over a large geographical region and affecting an exceedingly high percentage of the population. The caricatures which are going to be analysed are related to the lack of covid vaccine and the worldwide citizens’ negative reactions agaist the authorities. Depending on the CDA and Semiotic models, the caricatures will be analysedbased on the linguistic messages (to cover the portrayal of the verbal descriptions relating to lexical choices), the literal denoted messages (to describe the non-linguistic features) and the symbolic connoted messages (to interpret the link between the textual and denoted elements).


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How to Cite
Ahmed, A. H., & Ali, S. F. (2022). Semiotic and Critical Discourse Analysis of the Editorial Caricatures on Covid-19 Vaccine. Journal of Tikrit University for Humanities, 29(9, 1), 1–17.


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