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Sura Asaad Jameel
Ayish Mutar Khalaf


The current research aims to identify:

  1. The level of academic stress among university students.

  2. Statistically significant differences in academic stress according to the gender variable (males - females).

  3. The level of self-efficacy among university students.

  4. Statistically significant differences in self-efficacy according to the gender variable (males - females).

  5. The strength of the relationship between academic stress and self-efficacy among university students.

  To achieve the objectives of the research, the two researchers prepared a measure of academic stress and another for self-efficacy, and extracted their psychometric properties from validity and reliability. The two scales were applied to the research sample of (400) male and female students. After statistical analysis of the data, the results indicated the following:

  1. The presence of academic pressures among university students.

  2. There are statistically significant differences in academic stress according to gender (males - females) and in favor of females.

  3. University students have self-efficacy among university students.

  4. There are statistically significant differences in self-efficacy according to gender (males - females) and in favor of females.

5. There is an inverse negative correlation between academic stress and self-efficacy among university students.


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How to Cite
Jameel, S. A., & Khalaf, A. M. (2022). The Academic Pressures and Their Relation with Self Efficiency in University Students. Journal of Tikrit University for Humanities, 29(10, 2), 443–466.


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المصادر الاجنبية

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