The Effect of Integrating Critical Thinking Skills on EFL University Students’ Performance in English Literature
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The current study addresses the crucial role of Critical Thinking Skills (CTSs) in today's decision-making and problem-solving landscape. It emphasizes the integration of CTSs within the context of English as a Foreign Language (EFL) instruction, with a particular focus on the situation in Iraq. While there is ample theoretical discourse on the significance of CTSs, their practical application in EFL classrooms, especially in Iraq, presents notable challenges, primarily because of the dearth of specialized teaching methodologies.
The study's central objective is to evaluate the impact of incorporating Critical Thinking (CT) into EFL instruction, specifically in the analysis of literary texts. To achieve this, the research adopts a control-experimental pretest-posttest design and employs a CT test as an assessment tool. The findings of the study are noteworthy, demonstrating a significant improvement in the CTSs and textual interpretation abilities of students in the experimental group, especially when analysing poetry and short stories. This highlights the potential benefits of integrating CT into EFL instruction, enhancing students' analytical capabilities and their understanding of literary content.
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