Tulul Al-Aqr (Kar Tukulti Ninurta) In the Diaries of Travelers, Arab, and foreign Tourists
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The research deals with a large archaeological site that embraces among its archaeological layers an important royal Assyrian city dating back to the Middle Assyrian era. The site is on the East or left bank of the Tigris River and about 3 km to the north of the city of Assyria, which is administratively affiliated with the district of Sharqat, Salah al-Din Governorate.
The research sheds light on Arab and foreign travelers and tourists, who passed through the site of Tilul Aqar, and their different goals and objectives. Some of them wandered between the ruins and transferred an old picture of many years ago, before the hand of sabotage reached it or excavation work was carried out in it.
The search shows the names of Arab and foreign travelers and tourists, their nationalities, the reasons or goals of their trips, the positions they held, and sometimes the parties that supported and financed them, the years of those trips, and the information that came on the site from the pages of their books.
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