The Poetry of Sakhr bin Amr Al-Shereed Al- Salami: Between Two Notions
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This research aims to study a poetic code that was accomplished by more than one investigator, all of them from Iraq. It traces the differences that occurred in two notions in the one hand and between the points of proficiency and failure in both investigations on the other hand. The target poetic text is the poetry of a brave Persian poet from Bani Salim, the brother of al-Khansaa, who remained all her life crying and lamenting her luck for his loss. Dr. Abbas Hani Al-Jarraj, who did not add anything to what Dr. Abdul-Hussein said, changed the research. The research concludes different results and facts that prove the quality of the first investigation and the failure of the second correction, which did not exceed the graduation from the sources that the surgeon added, which is the number of fingers of the hand, and in summary, this research was Critical reviews of these two important works.
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