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Sideeq Mustafa Jasim Al Doori
May Abed Ali


     This study is based on an attempt to know the extent of the psychological and perceptual impact of colors on a person’s life at various age levels and how this particular impact functions with different gender and different cultural levels. It deals, furthermore, with the interpretation of the connotations and meanings of colors, according to their importance with reference to their effect upon man’s choices, emotions, and behavior. The effect varies among the different groups of the study sample in relation to the preferred colors in each category, so the difference was clear between the elderly and the young, and between males and females, and between the high or simple cultural level. Determining the extent of a person's acceptance or rejection of situations in life, whether in learning, concentration, opening or loss of appetite, or in choosing clothing, furniture and the various needs that affect a person’s life.

    The study dealt with the eye, its color reception mechanisms and how it works, which are very similar to the mechanism of the photographic camera, as well as the anatomy of the eye and how it receives light, the interpretation of the visual image, and the analysis of colors in the brain, which explains the psychological and physical aspects related to color.


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How to Cite
Jasim Al Doori, S. M., & Ali, M. A. (2022). The psychological and Perceptual Effect of Colors. Journal of Tikrit University for Humanities, 29(3, 2), 46–70.


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