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Salih Hassan Abdulla
Ahmed Esmaal Khelil


The Syrian society, like all other societies in general and the Arab society in particular, consists of population groups that differ in their religious, sectarian and ethnic affiliations, as well as their geographical distribution in the Syrian country, between urban, rural and mountainous, in addition to their different political, economic and social conditions. This diversity was characterized to a large extent by understanding and harmony with respect for the specificities of each group, and the pride of each sect or minority in its ethnic and religious affiliation, and this situation continued, until it changed clearly with the fall of Syria under the French mandate.
It became clear that the policy of the French Mandate was in a clear oscillation between preserving the unity of Syria on the one hand, and encouraging separatist tendencies and perpetuating sectarianism on the other hand. The sect is what determines the course of the mandate policy in Syria in general.
The Mandate attempted to strip the character of the community or nation from the general population and replace it with the concept of ethnic and sectarian entities. Although this policy was confronted by the Syrian society, we cannot deny that the scale of this resistance was not as strong as the French Mandate policy, due to many political and economic reasons. And cultural accumulated as a result of the Ottoman presence and then the French mandate.


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Abdulla, S. H., & Khelil, A. E. (2022). Population Diversity in Syria 1920-1946. Journal of Tikrit University for Humanities, 29(3, 2), 232–249.


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