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Muhammad Yusuf Ibrahim Al-Quraishi
Muqdad Muhammad Yassin Al-Karai


The March Revolution is the beginning of an important stage of sharp class struggles, and a long series of battles on all fronts, that is, in all matters of politics and economics. These battles do not end except with the expropriation of the property of the bourgeoisie. It is impossible for this revolution to win if it does not achieve full democracy, because the Bolshevik revolution, like other Revolutions and coups are causes and motives that helped make them happen, and what concerns us in this research is the role of Joseph Stalin in this revolution, especially in his writings on the causes of revolution and the elimination of capitalism in all its forms. The conscious politician of the workers and peasants is able to make the dream a reality when the democratic revolution can overthrow the tsarist despotism, destroy all remnants of the semi-feudal economy and political relations, and end the oppression of the nationalities.
It seems that the leaders of the revolution, including Stalin, aspired to a comprehensive change of the social system. During the period in which he took over the leadership of the party instead of Vladimir Lenin, Joseph Stalin showed leadership and administrative ingenuity through which he was able to win the love of all the conflicting groups because he showed himself impartial and necessary to the center, and he was keen On the success and victory of the revolution, at the same time he was keen on the people not to be harmed because of it.


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How to Cite
Ibrahim Al-Quraishi, M. Y., & Yassin Al-Karai, M. M. (2022). Joseph Stalin’s Role in 1917’s March Revolution. Journal of Tikrit University for Humanities, 29(3, 2), 180–195.


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