The Natural Environmental Problems of the Livestock and Their Spatial Variation in Erbil Governorate
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all kinds of Animal production make an effective contribution to providing the necessary food resources for humans, and for this reason, studies on livestock and their distribution and spatial variation have received the interests of most researchers in various fields. Through the image of spatial variance in Erbil governorate, in particular livestock animals (sheep, cows and goats),
The study relied on the variation of natural factors between the various districts of this province as a basis for the spatial variation in them, in addition to human factors. where livestock is considered one of the resources associated with its spatial existence with certain geographical phenomena, and the research tried to prove the validity of this by relying on data that showed the distribution of Livestock in the study area. The research includes four main topics in addition to the results and recommendations. It studies at first topic the definition of the study area and its geographical characteristics. In Second topic, it focuses on the food sources of livestock in the governorate, and third topic is about studies the reality of the geographical distribution of livestock in the governorate and its spatial variation, and fourth topic it focuses on the problems of the natural environment for livestock in study area.
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