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Muhammad Yusuf Ibrahim Al-Quraishi
Muqdad Muhammad Yassin Al-Karai


The Bolshevik Revolution was one of the most important events that the world witnessed in the twentieth century, as it brought about a change in the political ideas that existed in Russian society at that time. It brought socialist ideas that called for building a society led by the proletariat that is far from capitalism. The revolution laid the political, social and economic foundations for a new civilized era. Thus, forming the new contemporary world with the Bolshevik Revolution and the emergence of Russia as the first workers' state in history aspired to build a socialist civilization as an alternative to the capitalist civilization that dominates the world.

The October Revolution of 1917 was considered the first communist revolution in the world, and led to the formation of the first communist government in Russia, and thus the first socialist country in the history of the world. This revolution constituted a qualitative leap in the history of Russia which made Russia to become a socialist state.


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Al-Quraishi, M. Y. I., & Al-Karai, M. M. Y. (2022). The Role of Joseph Stalin in the Bolshevik Revolution of October 1917. Journal of Tikrit University for Humanities, 29(8, 2), 279–295.


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