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Mahmood Abbas Dawood
Mariam Kareem Saeed Aziz


This study is conducted to identify the ways in which Scientific book blurbs differ from and/or similar to literature book blurbs and explores the linguistic features that are used in Scientific and literature book blurbs. To meet these aims, this study focuses on sixteen Scientific blurbs in different disciplines involving (Physics, Chemistry, Geology, Medicine, Biology, Computer Science, Linguistics, Agriculture) and sixteen literature book blurbs in four different disciplines involving (Novel, Drama, Poetry, Literature). These data are analyzed by adopting Gea valor (2005:52) classifications of linguistic features. The results have revealed that different linguistic strategies are employed in Scientific and literature books blurbs such as the ellipses, personal pronouns and complement languages. Imperative constructions are rarely used in Scientific blurbs, it has been found only in computer science discipline while they are absent in literature blurbs.


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How to Cite
Dawood, M. A., & Saeed Aziz, M. K. (2023). Investigating Persuasive Strategies in Scientific and Literature Books Blurbs. Journal of Tikrit University for Humanities, 30(2, 2), 42–59.


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