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Thamer Azzam Hamad Al- Dulaimi
Saad Hafedh Mahmoud Al-Karawi


        The research sheds light on the role of the Justice and Development Party in the process of democratic transition in Morocco, as the Kingdom of Morocco witnessed during the period (2011-2012) a very important democratic transition represented by holding the first legislative elections after the approval of the constitutional amendments of 2011, as a result of the political developments that the Arab countries witnessed after the broad protest movement while distorting the revolutions of the Arab Spring, if the Kingdom of Morocco witnessed a large protest movement that prompted the royal establishment to announce new constitutional amendments and to hold premature legislative elections through which the Justice and Development Party was able to take the lead in those elections that enabled it to form the government in 2012.                                                                                                        

       The research found a number of important results come in the forefront of which the Justice and Development Party topped the political scene in 2011, by winning the legislative elections of 2011, as the party managed to obtain the first place in 107 seats, and thus enabled the Justice and Development Party to head the government for the first time in Morocco.


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Hamad Al- Dulaimi, T. A., & Mahmoud Al-Karawi, S. H. (2023). The Role of the Justice and Development Party in Morocco’s Democratic Transition Process 2011-2012. Journal of Tikrit University for Humanities, 30(2, 2), 240–261.


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