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Dali khalaf Hamid ALJubouri
Dahi Kadar Abbas Al-Jamili


The study aims to analyze the morphometric characteristics of the valley Al-Qasr basin, which are represented by the spatial, longitudinal, morphological and topographic characteristics, and the characteristics of the river network. The study relied on geographic information systems, topographic maps and a digital elevation model (DEM) for the basin area for the year 2021 with a characteristic accuracy of (12.5) meters, as a tool for preparing the river drainage network map, which was classified according to the Streller method 1958. It gives a numerical arrangement of the tributaries that make up the water drainage network, as the waterways in the river basin are distributed in the form of ranks that decrease in number and increase in capacity from one class to another. It begins with small and many sewers, which represent the second order, which is less numerous and more spacious than the first, and they meet with each other to be the third, as the last meets their stolons to be the fourth, and from it it becomes the fifth, and thus the sewers increase in rank if they meet a similar rank until they reach the main stream It represents the highest rank. The study highlighted the presence of five river levels in the basin, and the shape of the basin is close to the round shape; The elongation rate in the Wadi Al-Qasr basin was (0. 64), and this indicates that the basin’s shape moved away from the rectangular shape, that is, the area increased to length, which means the regularity of the water division lines with the neighboring basins, and the short lengths of its courses with a high indication of the risk of flooding in them. Deflection (1.14) reflects the structural and topographical influence of the area; The basin is characterized by a high degree of molar, as the ratio of the molar reached (13.5) m / km2, because it is within the range of the lower axillary.


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How to Cite
Hamid ALJubouri, D. khalaf, & Abbas Al-Jamili, D. K. (2023). Morphometric Analysis of the Valley Al-qasr Basin in Al- Sharqat District. Journal of Tikrit University for Humanities, 30(2, 2), 144–175.


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