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Sondos Faraj Jassim
Hadla Yahya Majid


The current research aims to identify the existential presence of middle school students Mosul. The researchers took the following steps to prepare a scale that is more compatible with the objectives of the research and the nature of the target sample in the current research. For validity, the researcher made (40) items after applying the scale to the research sample of 300 male and female students from the middle school in Mosul. The results of the study were in favour for the female students in 0.5 of the referred statics. The researchers developed a number of recommendations and proposals, including:

1- Providing opportunities to attend seminars and access to libraries, as well as spreading an atmosphere of respect and appreciation for science and scholars.

2- Conducting a study on the relationship between existential presence and personality traits in other samples


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How to Cite
Jassim, S. F., & Majid, H. Y. (2023). Existential Presence among Middle School Students in Mosul. Journal of Tikrit University for Humanities, 30(2, 1), 443–462.


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