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Arev Merza Astifo


Language learning and teaching are related to sociolinguistics in several ways. Various social factors influence language teaching and learning. Many countries today seek to develop their educational systems through the use of new educational strategies to keep pace with the current developments and to achieve satisfactory educational results, as education is considered a real investment for any country and its people. This calls for good use of new educational strategies in preparing students and teachers, developing curricula, and diversifying teaching methods, to develop the educational process and provide better teaching and learning. Therefore, this study aimed at investigating the effect of implementing sociolinguistic competence teaching strategies on students' reading behavior in the classroom. By using the descriptive-analytical approach and developing a questionnaire tool that revolves around the subject of study. The results of the study concluded that there is a statistically significant positive impact of sociolinguistic competence teaching strategies on students' reading behavior in the classroom at α≤ 0.05, and this significant impact is due to the improvement in text-breaking, text-using, and text-analyzing abilities. The study also revealed that there are several difficulties and factors that limit the efficiency of sociolinguistic competence teaching strategies in the Salahaddin University/ English Department classroom including the complex factor of the reading text, and the environmental variables surrounding the student, their reading comprehension anxiety a many other factors that should be taken into consideration to increase sociolinguistic competence in teaching languages. The researcher recommends the necessity of using emotional and social culture strategies that enhance the learner's ability to deal with his/her emotions and sociocultural experiences while
learning the English language


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How to Cite
Astifo, A. M. (2022). Implementing Sociolinguistics Competence Teaching Strategies in Classroom Settings and Their Impact on Students’ Reading Behavior. Journal of Tikrit University for Humanities, 29(6), 18–44.


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