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Mahmoud Khalaf Obaid Issa Al-Jubouri


The aim of the research is to identify the effect of the inverted thinking strategy in modifying the misunderstanding of chemical concepts among students of the second intermediate grade. The researcher has a major null hypothesis, from which three hypotheses are branched, and he has also prepared the research tool, "the diagnostic test for misunderstanding concepts, post-test for misunderstood concepts (Spss), and to verify its validity." And its stability, and after the end of the experiment, which lasted for more than two months, the research sample was subsequently tested, and to analyze the data statistically, the statistical package system was used. wrong"


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How to Cite
Issa Al-Jubouri, M. K. O. (2023). The Effect of the Inverted Thinking Strategy in Modifying the Misunderstanding of Chemical Concepts among Second-grade Intermediate Students. Journal of Tikrit University for Humanities, 30(1, 1), 428–455.


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