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Muneera Ali Abdullah Aljadaan
Bander Mohayya Aloosh Almohayya


The study aimed to identify the reality of implementation of the supportive technologies in the resource room from the viewpoint of learning disabilities teachers. The researchers used the descriptive and analytical method and the sample consisted of (104) male and female of learning disabilities teachers, as they were chosen randomly. The researchers designed a questionnaire on the reality of implementation of the supportive technologies in the resource room. Accordingly, the results revealed that the indicators related to the level of implementation of the supportive technologies in the resource rooms, were at moderate degree, as well as there were no statistically significant differences in their level which attributed to the variable of gender. With the exception of the axis of implementation of the supportive technologies in the resource room, there were significant differences in favor of females. Furthermore, the results revealed that there were no statistically significant differences in the level of implementation the supportive technologies by learning disabilities teachers that attributed to the educational qualification variable, between the mean grades of teachers with a B.A and teachers who obtained postgraduate studies. The results also revealed that there are no statistically significant differences in the total score and the second and third axis. While there are statistically significant differences, in favor of the category of less than five years and more than ten years which attributed to the years of experience variable, in the first axis that is the level of preparing the resource room with supportive technologies from the viewpoint of learning disabilities teachers. Based on the results of the study, the researchers recommend to rehabilitatie the existing resource rooms according to national and international standards to implement the supportive technologies in an exemplary manner.


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How to Cite
Abdullah Aljadaan, M. A., & Aloosh Almohayya, B. M. (2023). The Reality of Implementation of the Supportive Technologies in the Resource Room from the Viewpoint of the Learning Disabilities Teachers in Mecca Region. Journal of Tikrit University for Humanities, 30(1, 1), 374–405.


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