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Yaseen Alwan Elteif


The research (The Role of Mobile Satellite Applications in Addressing Public Fear and Anxiety during Humanitarian Disasters) seeks to identify the extent to which the public follows up on satellite applications via mobile phone during humanitarian disasters, the danger to society and the amount of fear and anxiety it suffers from that danger, and also to identify the role of the media in providing messages of reassurance through opinion leaders or government officials trusted by society, and the extent to which these messages affect the treatment of fear and the anxiety of the public.This research is considered a descriptive research, and the researcher uses the survey methodology to search for information about the media phenomenon (addressing fear and anxiety of humanitarian disasters), and the researcher uses the questionnaire tool to collect information about the phenomenon from the public.One of the most important findings of the research is that there is a large follow-up of humanitarian disasters from the public to satellite applications via mobile phone, as well as the fact that those applications help the public to obtain information about disasters, and also lead messages of reassurance to the public to address the fear and anxiety resulting from those disasters.


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How to Cite
Elteif, Y. A. (2023). The role of mobile satellite applications in addressing public fear and anxiety during humanitarian disasters. Journal of Tikrit University for Humanities, 30(1, 1), 354–373.


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