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Moatasem Malik Awad
Ghassan Ali Mostafa


Museums are considered an important cultural, historical and social phenomenon, and they are one of the fundamentals which preserve the heritage of nations from loss and destruction, especially in a country like Iraq that has included among its folds a large number of ancient archaeological sites. Museums are considered an economic resource and a cultural element at the same time. Moreover; the importance of the museum is of great importance when its building is another civilized part that represents a legacy of the city in which it was established, such as the Museum Samarra City , which is one of the oldest museums established in Iraq, namely; the second after the Iraqi Museum in Baghdad, as the museum building is one of the gates of the city’s heritage wall.

The research aims to shed light on Samarra Museum and its historical study; Being part of the city of Samarra in the Ottoman era, and architecturally  being the last remaining part of the wall, furthermore, it is an attempt to illustrate the importance of the museum, return it to its previous era and to open it to include the city's holdings, last but not least; a trial to reactivate the excavations in it.


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How to Cite
Awad, M. M., & Mostafa, G. A. (2023). Samarra Museum: Its Planning and Architecture from the Ottoman Era until the Modern era : An Empirical Study. Journal of Tikrit University for Humanities, 30(1, 1), 319–353.


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