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Hadeel Abdel-Gawad Hassan


Obsession is those repetitive, stubborn, pathologically or compulsively stubborn formulations of ideologies, heritages, or ideologies that are driven and directed towards “rooting” self or personality. The study deals with the issue of being obsessed with identity and the constant search for true affiliation among people who have experienced the language of obsession with differentiation from other identities.   There is a relationship between the expansion of the communicative and deliberative field, parallel to the reciprocal field, and the spread of the values ​​of tolerance and moderation.  The level of intolerance is receding, and the values ​​of tolerance and moderation are spread. This is clearly observed at the level of villages, towns, metropolises and cities. It is more clearly observed in educational and scientific environments, civil society organizations, and public institutions, in times of peace and political stability. 


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How to Cite
Hassan, H. A.-G. (2023). Identity Obsession between European and American Thought: A Historical and Philosophical Study. Journal of Tikrit University for Humanities, 30(1, 1), 226–244.


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