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Omer Ibrahim Hussin


        The climatic elements have a great impact on plants, especially flowers and ornamental plants in terms of their distribution and varieties in Diyala Governorate. It is there where these elements played a negative role on ornamental plants, especially in Summer and Winter when temperature exceed the upper and lower limits of ornamental plants in the days Extremely hot and very cold. The study area is the scene of thermal depression in Summer, as well as the case for the cold Siberian air masses in winter, a matter that led to the extinction of many species that were prevalent and known in previous years. Some of theme withered, especially the hybrid plants whose original habitat is continents. Other countries were more vulnerable to extinction, as these  elements led to changing the aesthetic image of the study area, and ornamental plants are of great importance in home and public gardens, schools, hospitals, parks and others. Hence, this research came to shed light on these climatic elements affecting flowers and ornamental plants.


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How to Cite
Hussin, O. I. (2023). The Effect of Climatic Elements on the Cultivation of Flowers and Ornamental Plants in Diyala Governorate. Journal of Tikrit University for Humanities, 30(1, 1), 184–205.


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