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Wafaa Abdul Ghfoor Jabbar Al- Azzawi


Al-Hajjaj is considered a deliberative method, as it is the art of accepting what the addressee sees. The nature of this deliberative methodology does not occur without the strategy of persuasion.

Al-Hajjaj is the most prominent mechanism in the language of discourse, although some scholars have found the meaning of Al-Hajjaj in their view to object to the ideas of (the addressee sent ) from himself  and the another (the recipient or the addressee) by listing his reasons and arguments in mentioning one grammatical issue or the other, in order for the original addressee to miss the joy of victory over him, i.e. over the addressee or the sender, in refuting this attic or argument, by following certain strategies or ways to clarify this method in argument is like solidarity, the principle of dialogue, the principle of questioning, and the use of the third cause until the purpose of this argument is achieved, and other strategies will be evident in the research.


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Jabbar Al- Azzawi, W. A. G. (2023). Al-Hajjaj Remodeling in Ilal Al-Nahma - by Ibn Al-Warraq, d. 325 AH. Journal of Tikrit University for Humanities, 30(1, 1), 88–104.


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