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Ibrahim Namis Yassin


The research includes a critical analysis of the deep and rooted relationship between poetic language in the experience of the Omani poet Saeed Al Saqlawi and the aesthetics of the arts. Third, the art of drawing, within a comprehensive critical vision that believes in the correspondence of all creative arts and their overlap in one way or another. Perhaps poetry, in its poetic language full of metaphor and symbol, contains many data on literary creativity and other fine arts, which must be studied, analyzed and read to reveal the aesthetic value of this gender overlap and its impact on the development of the poem.


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How to Cite
Yassin, I. N. (2023). Poetic language and the aesthetics of the arts: (narrative, drama, painting) A study in the poetry of Diwan (Sunken and Singing) by Said Al-Saqlawi. Journal of Tikrit University for Humanities, 30(1, 1), 63–87.


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