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Basim Abdulkareem hameed Al-jhayyish


The Islamic Sharia came to achieve all the interests of the servants of this world and the hereafter, by bringing benefits to them and warding off evil for them. The provisions for obtaining and preserving money include the faces company and the body company. Money is one of the five necessities and the general purposes of Islamic law, which are: religion, which is the constitution and the law that regulates the relationship of man to his fellow man, as well as the relationship of man to his Creator, the soul, offspring, the mind, and money, which is one of the necessities of human existence. , and how to spend it, and provisions to preserve it, and among these provisions are the urge to work and lawful earning, inheritance and others, and the prohibition of treasure and usury, monopoly, extravagance and waste, hoarding, consuming people’s money unlawfully, theft, usurpation, and impurity, and any transaction that leads to harming money.


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How to Cite
hameed Al-jhayyish, B. A. (2023). The Economic Impact of the Faces Company in Islamic Jurisprudence. Journal of Tikrit University for Humanities, 30(1, 1), 25–39.


The Holy Quran

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