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Jinan Qahtan Sarhan


The study aims to identify the level of engagement in learning among the students of colleges of Education for Humanities and Education for Pure Sciences and to know the statistically significant differences in light of the variable of the college, gender and stage in addition to identifying the level of their fast-slow thinking, and to know their the statistically significant differences in light of the variable of college, gender and stage besides the correlation between engaging in learning and fast-slow thinking. The sample of the study consists of (580) male and female students from colleges of Education for Humanities and Education for Pure Sciences. To achieve the aims of the study, the researcher prepares a test for engagement in learning and a test for fast-slow thinking one sample and realizing the psychometric properties: Validity and Reliability by using Pearson Correlation Coefficient and T-Test for a sample and t-test for two independent samples and one-way analysis of variance as statistical means. The result shows that the students have a high level of engagement in learning. It indicates that there are differences in the light of the variable of college and stage in addition to indicating that there are differences in the gender variable in favor of females. It also shows the reduction in the level of fast-slow thinking among students of college of Education for Humanities and Education for Pure Sciences. Moreover, there are no differences in fast thinking according to the gender variable, while they appear in slow thinking in favor of females, and no differences are found in the stage variable except for the third stage and in favor of college of Education for Humanities. The researcher presents a number of recommendations and suggestions.


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Sarhan, J. Q. (2022). Engagement in Learning and its Relation with Fast-Slow Thinking among Colleges of Education for Humanities and Education for Pure Sciences: A Comparative Study. Journal of Tikrit University for Humanities, 29(12, 1), 435–465.


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