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Tarq .K. Hassan
Halaw. h. Kareem


This research deals with the use of geographic information systems and remote sensing to determine suitable locations for water harvesting operations in the area of (Bhamo) Halabja governorate. Digital data, including spatial data, were used to determine the extent to which GIS programs can be used in water harvesting operations, and taking advantage of the water resources of seasonal valleys to improve soil moisture to raise the productivity of rain-fed crops and the cultivation of limited vegetables.

In this study, we used weighted overlay as a method of spatial analysis in ArcGIS. The study found that the percentage of suitable area for water harvesting in the study area is 51.62%. This percentage is divided between the intermediate levels (30.75%), the high (17.71%) and the very high (3.16%). While the proportion of land with low suitability (30.08%), and very low (14.28%).


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How to Cite
Hassan, T. .K., & Kareem, H. h. (2022). The Potential of Harvesting Water for Agricultural Purposes in the Mountainous Areas Using GIS Systems and Remote Sensing: Bhamo District in Halabja Governorate as a Model . Journal of Tikrit University for Humanities, 29(12, 1), 289–317.


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