The Effect of Using the Sixdimensional Strategy (PDEODE) in the Collection of Third-average Students and Providing them with Mathematical Concepts
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In this research, the researcher showed the effect of using the six-dimensional strategy in achieving the average third female students and giving them mathematical concepts, and their mathematical achievement. The research sample consists of (28) students with (14) students in the experimental group and (14) students in the controlling group, The two groups are rewarded in the variables of chronological age, academic achievement of parents, and mathematics grades for the second intermediate grade . Where the equivalence was made using the statistical method square Kay and after the equivalence procedure, the researcher applied a test for acquiring mathematical concepts, as this test aims to measure the extent of the acquisition of average third-graders for concepts related to some topics of the first, second and third semester of mathematics book scheduled for the third grade average, first edition of 2018 , His sincerity was verified by presenting him to a group of experienced and specialized people to ensure the validity of the validity. The agreement rate on the validity and scientificness of the test was 82%, and it was proven by its dependence on the mid-way segmentation, i.e. splitting the test paragraphs into individual and even paragraphs, and by relying on the Pearson Correlation Coefficient Law, stability was extracted. The test whose value was (0.79). This indicates that the stability coefficient is sufficient for the measurements on the study sample.The researcher also applied an achievement test that consists of 25 paragraphs. This test aims to measure the extent of the students ’ability to achieve their academic achievement in the field of mathematics, which is suitable for the third intermediate grade. Its validity was verified by also presenting it to a committee of specialized experts, and we relied on the opinions of the arbitrators, their proposals and directives, and the percentage of agreement showed the extent of the test's sincerity and its appropriateness to the level of students (78%). - Kronbach shows that the value of stability stood at (0.78). We conclude from this that the stability coefficient meets the measurements on the study sample. After the study was applied to the sample, its results exceeded the experimental group over the control group.
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