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Dilovan Sayfuddin Saady


The present research focuses on reduction of clauses .Two types of  clause(adjective and adverb clauses) are emphasized on for this purpose. Clause reduction means reducing clauses usually dependent clauses to phrases i.e to shorten  clauses by removing some words in the clause to make phrases or shortened clauses. 

 The ways where the reduction is permitted are indicated  .The purpose of the study is to mention the differences and similarities in  the reduction   of the clauses. This is the problem of the research as learners in general may not understand the comparison. The research is significant for those who want to understand English language sentences while some words are missing in the sentences. It is also important for the researchers who want to write researches about a topic of syntax which is ellipsis.  The types of clause that can be reduced are mentioned. This is because both can be shortened and reduced to phrases  . In this paper reduced clauses in Kurdish language are shed lights on . Attempts are made to deal with the ways where reduction is allowed in both English and Kurdish languages . This is made as a comparison and contrast of reduced clauses between the two languages .


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How to Cite
Saady, D. S. (2020). REDUCED CLAUSES IN ENGLISH AND KURDISH. Journal of Tikrit University for Humanities, 27(5), 106–118.


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