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Marwah Kareem Ali


This research deals with "A semantic-syntactic study of garden-path sentences in English with reference to Glorious Qur'an". At the beginning, the topic is explained in both Arabic and English, i.e. its definition and types, to shed light on the main characteristics of this linguistic phenomenon. Then, examples selected from English language alongside verses selected from Glorious Qur'an are analyzed. Finally, the study concludes that the context and the syntactic structure affect the determination of the intended meaning. Also, English sentences are more understandable than Arabic ones due to their syntactic structure.


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Ali, M. K. (2020). A Semantic-Syntactic Study of Garden-Path Sentences in English with Reference to Glorious Qur’an. Journal of Tikrit University for Humanities, 27(5), 20–32.


Glorious Qur'an.

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