The Artistic Style of Two Sculptors: Mohammed Ghani Hikmat and Abdul Rahim Al-Wakeel: A Comparative Study
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Style is considered a term and an idea encountered by many ambiguities in determining its meaning. Recently, the term has been redefined under correct intellectual foundations to become a basic concept that is applicable on different disciplines. The concept of style began to expand and expand at a time when the study began to take a structured form which can be achieved only after going through many schools and methods that deal with different personal experiences. It is clear that there are different perceptions that can be summarized in two basic concepts to determine the meaning of the properties of the style. The environment is the intellectual compressor and the main influential factor in the structure of the artistic style of two artists who contributed to the art of sculpture: Mohammed Ghani Hikmat and Abdel-Rahman Al-Wakeel.
This research presents a comparison between these two influential artists.
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