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Mudheher khalf Salah Muhammad


The current research aims to know the evaluation of the use of some educational methods in the achievement of fifth-grade primary students in the subject of social studies. The researcher choses a deliberate school from the research community, the mixed morning primary schools in Salah al-Din Governorate, namely the Mahdi Al-Saleh Primary School and the Al-Tarfat Elementary School. He chooses two divisions from the fifth primary class students. Division (A) is identified in the Mahdi Al-Saleh School studying the experimental group and Division B Also, the school of the parties that study the control group which studies the traditional method, and the research sample reached (57) pupils, by (29) pupils of the experimental group, (28) pupils of the control group, and the researcher excluded the students who failed in the fifth primary grade and their number (7) Students (3) in the experimental group and (4) in the control group Before the start of teaching, the research group students were statistically rewarded by using the Chi square in intelligence, the chronological age in the months, the grades of the pupils in the previous grade, in the academic achievement of parents and the pre-test for the academic year 2017-2018.The researcher determined the topics to be studied during the experiment, the researcher prepared a model plan for the subjects to be taught, and presented it to a group of experts and specialists, and in the light of their opinions the necessary adjustments were made, and the plans became ready for application, the researcher applied the post-test to obtain the students of the research group (experimental and control).The results showed the superiority of students of the experimental group who studied teaching using some educational techniques over the students of the control group who studied in the traditional way, in the presence of a statistically significant difference between the average achievement of the students of the two groups of research at the level of significance (0,05) in the interest of the experimental group who studied the subject of social studies according to Teaching using some educational methods, the researcher used modern methods and techniques in the experiment, and in light of these results, the researcher recommended several recommendations, including:

1-The necessity of using some educational methods effectively in teaching social studies for the primary levels.

2-The necessity of training teachers of social studies in the primary stages on using some educational methods


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How to Cite
Salah Muhammad, M. khalf. (2020). The Effect of Using some Educational Aids in the Achievement of Fifth-grade Primary Students. Journal of Tikrit University for Humanities, 27(5), 309–329.


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