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Khamees Dhari Khalaf - Jubouri


The aim of the research is to know the effect of Leed’s strategy on acquiring psychological concepts among literary fifth-graders and developing the sufficiency of their cognitive. The research community, that represents the secondary and middle schools, is identified within the General Directorate of Education of Salah El-Din - Department of Tikrit Education. The sample selects (63) students. It is divided into two experimental groups and one control group. The experimental group consists of (32) students who study according to Leed’s strategy. The control group  consists of  31 students who study according to the usual method. The comparison was carried out between the two groups according to some variables elements such as time age, previous achievement, level of intelligence, and academic achievement of parents.  The researcher believes that these elements  can affect the variables related to the independent variables. For the purpose of collecting data, two tests were constructed as follows: Concept Acquisition Test 2.A measure of the adequacy of cognitive representation. The experiment is applied on the first semester of the academic year 2018-2019, with (5) classes per group per week. The results indicate that the experimental group students outperform the control group students in the concept of test acquisition and the cognitive adequacy scale. One of the most important findings of the researcher in this research was that there was a positive effect of Leed's strategy in the ability of fifth-grade literary students (the research sample) to acquire concepts and develop the sufficiency of cognitive representation.


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How to Cite
Khalaf - Jubouri, K. D. (2020). The Effect of Leed’s Strategy on Acquiring Psychological Concepts and Developing the Sufficiency of Cognitive Representation for fifth-Grade literary students. Journal of Tikrit University for Humanities, 27(5), 263–284.


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