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Luma Abdulaziz Mustafa


According to its ethnical and racial diversity as well as its long history,  Mosul city is distinguished as one among many religious Iraqi cities that are inhabited by religious sectors including Christians. The Research is divided into three sections. Section One focuses on the policy of the Ottoman Empire in treating Christians of Mosul. Each of them is rarely seen in other provinces of the Ottoman Empire. As for Section Two, it highlights the most prominent economic activities in which Christians excelled in the province of Mosul  during the nineteenth century. Section Three is devoted to the most prominent cultural activities of this religious community during that era, which was not far from the activities of missionary missions that came to the city of Mosul during that era and the implications of those activities on the cultural reality of this city during that era.


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How to Cite
Mustafa, L. A. (2020). Economic and Cultural Activities of Mosul’s Christians in the Nineteenth Century. Journal of Tikrit University for Humanities, 27(5), 191–220.


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