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Eyad Nathim Jassem


The Research deals with the role played by Britain in ending the Ottoman Caliphate by means of following a dual political strategy in dealing with events and in directing its colonial interests.  When Britain  realized that it had established its interests, it violated the bonds and agreements it had signed with the Ottoman Empire. This was voiced by conflicts and competitive actions aimed to occupy the Ottoman Empire’s territories.  This was paralleled by  Russia’s entry into the arena of competition and conflict, which resulted in preserving the property of the Ottoman Empire because Russia did not interfere and give it space to strengthen its influence in the territories of the Ottoman Empire and thus its impact on British interests in Region


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Jassem, E. N. (2020). The British Role in Ending the Ottoman Caliphate 1840 - 1906. Journal of Tikrit University for Humanities, 27(5), 161–176.


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