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Faris Yasseen Mohammed Al-Hamdani


         The aesthetics of color forms in Al-Tillafari's poetry is a result of the many creative revelations and poetic richness. For him, color is the curd of creativity and he manipulates it to convey the aesthetic suggestions to the receiver for convincing.

         The poet has  a good knowledge of the suggestiveness of colors and their ability to convey the feelings and emotions the poet experiences through drawing plastic images that the receiver can see. Color is  the mirror that reflects the poet's self and  a means through which he expresses what he feels, even  the subtle details that signify.

       Also, the poet makes use of colors to invoke buried memories to add to the poetic text in a way that influences the receiver. To sum it up, color is a vehicle by which the poet expresses his conscious psychological moves. It is a pulse, suggestive energy that allows relaxation and peace of mind.


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Mohammed Al-Hamdani, F. Y. (2020). The Aesthetics of Color Form in Shihabaddin Al- Tillafari’s Poetry (Deceased 675 h) :A Psycho - critical Approach. Journal of Tikrit University for Humanities, 27(5), 58–81.


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