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Salah Sayer Farhan
Obaida Ahmed Majid


The city of Samarra is one of the most famous Islamic cities.  It was founded at the time of the Abbasid caliphate. It was an epitome  of science.  This research is primarily concerned with the most prominent figures of Samarra’s Reading School ; it significantly tackles its  features  with refrence to the variable Qur'anic readings.

The researchers were keen to be precise in conveying information, following the descriptive approach in its income, and the analytical approach in its interrogation. The research tries to elaborate on some scientific and historical facts that have to do with the city of Samarra the  Qur'anic readings.  


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How to Cite
Farhan, S. S., & Majid, O. A. (2020). The Figures of the Reading School in Samarra and its landmarks Study in the book The End of the Island Son (T 833H). Journal of Tikrit University for Humanities, 27(5), 16–29.


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